SouthShore Chick
Documentation . . .  Documentation . . . Documentation, I can't stress it enough! Whether you're ex-spouse is the cooperative supermom type or the "not if we were the last two humans on earth" type, it's always best to keep a paper trail of any and all communication.

The best way to keep this paper trail and window of communication open is through email. Take advantage of all your email options too! Be sure to check mark the "Delivery Receipt" option before sending your messages to the ex-spouse.

Once your email is sent, your email host will send a delivery receipt back to you, alerting you that the email was delivered to the inbox of your recipient. Print off hard copies of the delivery receipts along with the message you sent so in the event the ex-spouse claims they never received the message, you have proof through the receipt. This receipt option is not like the "read receipt" where the recipient can reject the request for a receipt. It is an automatic feature.


I attended a class for work early in the week. Before the instructor closed her lecture she reminded everyone that what you say, or how you say something, can eventually come back to bite you in the rear.

I scribbled down these five questions that we need to ask ourselves before clicking the "send" icon,

  • Would I say this in person?

  • Would I say this over the phone?

  • Would I like to see it printed in a newspaper?

  • Would I like to here it on the television?

  • Would I like to hear it repeated aloud in a court of law?

Always make sure you ask yourself these questions before sending a message to your ex-spouse, and never, ever show emotion in your messages. Always keep to a clean, civil and professional tone.  Always put everything in writing. If an important subject comes up in conversation, remember to reiterate the conversation via e-mail so you have a clear document showing that a conversation took place, making sure to record the time, date and how (i.e. phone, face-to-face or through third party) the conversation took place.

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