SouthShore Chick
I'm going to speed through this part of my story because if you've seen one game then you've obviously seen them all. My father-in-law used to say, "Your species is all f*cked up!". He was referring to women and the games we play. Wouldn't you agree? I am a woman when I want to be but most times I am a lady and real ladies don't play those nasty games  *evil grin* .

So on with my story. . .

Months roll by and I started dating this man. He was still dealing with his divorce which took forever to litigate because of all the fun games the ex decided to play. I wouldn't blame the delay entirely on her because cases were so backed up in the county court system the final judgment was filed fourteen months later.

Annie filed a petition to receive alimony. It is the law in this particular state that an ex-spouse cannot be granted alimony unless the parties were married for more than 23 years. She managed to pull off a real good sob story about her husband preventing her from being allowed to further her higher education and was granted alimony of $50/month for two years.  There was a catch though, in those two years Annie was required to enroll into college. If she dropped out the alimony would end.

Annie received a grant to pay for her tuition and books. It was a grant with stipulations where she had to be a single parent for more than a year in order to receive the grant. (She lied to the IRS and the college and filed her taxes listing herself as being single. She refused to sign the 1040 joint forms her husband needed to file because she wanted her grant approved.) She also dropped out of college before the two years ended, but no attorney would retain my husband to press charges against her because he was a "man".

Annie loved playing games.  She called at least twice a week to stir things up with Ryan. I remember one call that gave me the biggest laugh. The phone rang at around 8:00 a.m. Ryan answered it and all I can hear is screaming coming from the other end of the receiver. Ryan starts to laugh and says, " You've got the wrong man Annie. I thought for sure that you could do no wrong before, and now I wonder, who were you f*cking before you left me?" The conversation lasted for at least 10 minutes with Ryan laughing uncontrollably.  Before the call ended Ryan says, "Would it make you feel better if I mail you a copy of my yearly, manditory, physical examination I received in February? I assure you, it will say I am clean of any STDs. I suggest you call your boyfriends on the side and accuse them and leave me the hell alone."

I walked into the kitchen where Ryan was standing and asked, "What was that all about?" and he says with a giggle, "Annie has herpes! She claims she just got home from a doctor's appointment and was diagnosed with herpes so she called to accuse me of cheating and passing it onto her! She shut-up real quick when I told her I was clean."

Poor Annie. . . No one but Annie will ever know the truth about whether she really did contract herpes and by whom. It will forever be her dirty little secret.

Annie played many games. Her most favorite was the visitation games. Ryan would give his Notice of Intent to practice visitation and Annie always responded saying, "I'm sorry but the boys don't know you well enough to see you." This game lasted for almost 10 years.

Ryan tried to keep a steady schedule of phone calls to his young sons but that didn't last long. Annie and her parents were good about screening his calls. Sometimes when Tessa answered the phone Ryan could hear his sons voices in the background, but Tessa insisted that the children were not home.

Not a day went by when I didn't see my huband weep by the telephone. He was slowly being torn from the lives of his own two sons.
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