SouthShore Chick
I just wanted to pop my head in to offer one quick tip before I get back to this stack of documents.

The Green Slip!

The Green slip is your friend. This thing will save your life in more ways than one. We started paying the extra money to use these Green Return Receipts to mail anything that goes to the ex-spouse's house (i.e. birthday cards, parcels, school notices, nasty grams, everything!)

This is the reason why we use them.  Back in 1998 while on the phone with the ex, my husband asked her if the kids were getting the boxes and cards he had been sending. The ex piddled around with answering the question and then exploded in anger yelling, "Well the boys don't even know who you are! Why should I tell them the gifts are from you?"  In a state of shock, my husband asked, "So what are you doing, ripping the tags off and telling my sons the gifts are from you?" The ex paused for a very long moment and then said, "Well what else am I supposed to do?" then hung up.

After that day we began using these nifty little cards. When we faced the judge for our first string of court appointments the ex wife's attorney commented that my husband was a dead beat parent and never once bothered to make any contact with his sons. In his defense we pulled out every green receipt we collected since 1998 and showed them to the judge proving that the ex and her new husband signed for every parcel, card, and letter sent to the children, proving my husband made every effort to contact his kids.

The cost is:  $1.10 Electronic, $2.30 Mail through your local USPS.

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