SouthShore Chick
Fast forward: Years have gone by. The divorce case had been closed since February 1997 but the ex, well, when does she ever stop raising cain? I'll tell ya when, when she up and decides she's going to get married. The marriage happenned in June of 2000 so let's rewind for just a minute . . . .

Late Summer 1999, we're dealing with all the usual fun stuff that comes with being attached at the hip to an ex. Annie thinks she's not getting paid enough child support even though Ryan is paying her over $450 per month based on a $35,000 yearly income when he only makes $15,000/year, thanks to Annie's handy work at forging his signature on the child support paperwork back in 1996! I'm not bitter, Noooooo I'm beyond bitter, I think I've gone looney because we can barely make ends meet, but does that stop Annie from calling every other week to ask for shoes and clothes and anything else she can get her grubby hands on? Of course not! She even went as far as telling me that my parents were made of money so it was only right that I should help her out, but "Please, don't tell Ryan I'm calling you asking for a hand out!" hahaha ............(I'm no fool *evil grin*) "Oh-h-h Rya-a-an! Phone call!"

Annie got the hint after that phone call. She never called me again for a long time, "Darn the luck!"

Ok so the phone calls stop coming. Have you ever gotten that uneasy feeling when you know someone is just being too quiet and you suspect that they are up to no good? That feeling happens a lot around here! Well not only did calls stop coming from Annie, but we couldn't call the children without the answering machine picking up. 

It had been months since Ryan's parents practiced visitation (They were awarded Grandparent rights during the divorce.) because no contact could be established.  Finally, we get through when an issue came up concerning the medical insurance of the younger son and Tessa answers the phone. We asked for Annie and Tessa says in a hasty tone, "I don't know where the heck she's at! I've had these boys all weekend long and I've already missed one day of work because Annie is never around!" I ask, well where is she? How can I contact her?" and Tessa responds, "How should I know? She's spends her weekends in Akron!"

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